Introducing The DML Conspiracy

Michael Stover
2 min readNov 22, 2022


With A Musical Merge The DML Conspiracy ( an acronym for the artist name Dodd Michael Lede) puts forward an upbeat variety of Rock Music which draws listeners from across generations and genres.

Bringing New Sounds and Ambitions Crossing genres from Rock to Pop it’s a musical flavour for all~”I am compelled to make music. I love the creative process of it. The ebb and flow of the art and above all, the story-telling”. These are the words that describe the work of Dodd Michael Lede and his most recent incarnation The DML Conspiracy. “There is a definite maturity to the newer music. I’ve been in rock bands for most of my life, but I believe my true legacy will be in the songs I leave behind”

Originally from New York and spending time in Los Angeles before finally settling in Houston, Lede’s blend of Americana, Southern Rock and Blues-tinged sounds are clearly evident in the songs he creates. Crafting immediately identifiable melodies that are an earworm competing for your rock soul, his hooks draw you in and create unforgettable experiences that will stay long in the memory. For more info check out the website

Listen to his music wherever you stream or via this link.

Follow DML Conspiracy on Social Media for updates and behind the scenes looks.



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